This is used for my most favorite posts

A Bicycle Built For a Parkie (Me!)

For me, last year – 2020 – was a terrible year! Not just because of COVID-19 and all the rigmarole associated with it, but also because of this blasted cramping left foot/toes of mine. I’ve ridden a bike every year since I was 5 years old; but for the first time, I NEVER rode my bike at all during 2020…


Guest Blogger: What I Have Learned

Today I am implementing one of the things I said I would do with my new blog format - and that is introduce some 'guest' bloggers! Although I try my best to give you my thoughts, knowledge, and research that I've done, I'll be the first to say that I don't know everything! Plus, what I tell you is MY experience; but it is always good to get someone else's perspective and experience, as they may have gone or going through things that I haven't had experience with. So, learning from these wonderful folks is a good thing! ...


Tom’s Common Sense 101

I am constantly amazed at - well, how can I put this mildly - the lack of common sense in some folks out there. (None of my readers, of course!) But some folks... well, you just wonder, were they raised in the back-country by wolves?? Where in the heck did they learn to drive? Or were they raised the same way they seem to be raising their kids? ...


The Bygone Days of Exciting Tech

I remember my very first computer. It was 1978 (no old guy jokes now)… I was just finishing up college, and I had a few ‘leftover‘ scholarship bucks to spend (most unusual for a poor college student – long story). For quite a while I had been looking at (and drooling over) a newer style computer called the Commodore PET ...