I’ll Take a Piece of Raspberry Pi!
"What?? Tom's giving away Raspberry Pie? Cool!! I'll take... wait a minute, bub - that doesn't look anything like pie to me!!" Yes, I don't think eating a circuit board…
"What?? Tom's giving away Raspberry Pie? Cool!! I'll take... wait a minute, bub - that doesn't look anything like pie to me!!" Yes, I don't think eating a circuit board…
I remember my very first computer. It was 1978 (no old guy jokes now)… I was just finishing up college, and I had a few ‘leftover‘ scholarship bucks to spend (most unusual for a poor college student – long story). For quite a while I had been looking at (and drooling over) a newer style computer called the Commodore PET ...
A really big welcome to readers of my new blog, Deep Brain Thoughts! This is my first blog and, not being a big time writer, is a little bit scary. But I’ve been through scary stuff before and made it through fine, so I am sure this will be the same (although a few hiccups along the way are to be expected!) ...