Guest Blogger: Our Amazing Brain!

've often said, our brain is an absolutely amazing organ! Even in the confines of our disease, it's still amazes us... Remember what I've said before - In PD we can lose almost 60-90% of our dopamine-producing cells (Substantia Nigra) before a Parkinson's patient even begins to notice symptoms...


Guest Blogger: What I Have Learned

Today I am implementing one of the things I said I would do with my new blog format - and that is introduce some 'guest' bloggers! Although I try my best to give you my thoughts, knowledge, and research that I've done, I'll be the first to say that I don't know everything! Plus, what I tell you is MY experience; but it is always good to get someone else's perspective and experience, as they may have gone or going through things that I haven't had experience with. So, learning from these wonderful folks is a good thing! ...