So, in today’s blog, I conferred with my wife, and came up with the top 10 challenges (or consequences, depending on how you look at it!) of having to live with a ‘Parkie‘ (i.e. me!)… See if you can relate!
#10 Having to Help Search for Something That I’ve Lost (Again)

Sometimes it’s because my wife, being the good wife that she is, picks up after me and puts my stuff away where it should be in the first place. And of course, that is the LAST place I think to look! Other times… I go back and look where I had already looked, and there it is!! For me, this happens more often since I was diagnosed, so it may be just another sign of PD itself. But I still swear it’s that darn gremlin… probably in cahoots with Mr. PD just to give me a hard time!
Now where did I put that pen?? Argh! It must have grown legs and walked off!!
#9 Worrying

Sometimes I blame it on my genes – my Mom was a worrier – and sometimes I blame it on the disease itself. But sometimes I think it’s just me – let’s face it, having PD isn’t a walk in the park! We really do have genuine worries. But it’s then that I have to remind myself what Dale Carnegie said, “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” Good advice, Dale!
#8 Having To Ask “Are You OK?”

Now, this is especially true for me, because I not only have Parkinson’s but also something called the ‘Dreaded Dropping Disease‘, or DDD. This disease is very common and has affected me since childbirth – but recently, since my diagnosis, I have really been affected with a boatload of it… It seems like I drop everything!!
Now, I know my wife is simply looking out for me and making sure I am OK – and I know that is because she loves me and wants to make sure I don’t get hurt. I get that, and appreciate it more than words could say. But sometimes… well, I just want to be sarcastic and yell out, “No, I’m laying here unconscious and counting the stars that are appearing before my eyes! Give me a few minutes., and I’ll be fine… <groan>” But no… I don’t say that because… well, I think you know what would happen to me!
#7 Meal Scheduling

So we have to schedule our meals around our med schedule, which can raise havoc with trying to schedule family meals! In my case, the PD has also affected my digestive system, in that it has slowed down from normal. So a meal may take twice as long for me to digest than does someone else. And that complicates the scheduling even more! “When am I going to take my Sinemet? When did I take it last? How long ago was the last time I ate? When are we eating again?? What are we eating? We’re eating WHAT? Yuk!!” Sometimes it seems to take longer to figure out and schedule a meal than it does to prepare it! “Now, where did that turkey sandwich go?? You know, I believe it grew legs and walked off!!“
#6 Endless Doctor’s Appointments

But what can I say? It’s a part of my life now, those doctor visits… Sometimes it seems never-ending, doesn’t it?!? You go to one doctor, then to your neurologist, then to another doctor, then back to your neurologist, and it seems to go on and on! There are times when I wake up in the night talking in my sleep, “Yes doctor, I took my Sinemet on time… Yes doctor, I’ll schedule another appointment with you next month…” Let me tell you, I’d just like to have a break – you know, maybe a full month without ANY doctor appointments!
It’s hard on us Parkies, for sure – but I know it’s hard on our care partners too. They have to determine if they need to go with us to a certain appointment, and if their schedule is open to do so. And if not, it’s juggling time – what do I move where so that I have such-and-such time free? I hear ya, and “I feel yer pain!“
#5 Blaming EVERYTHING on PD!

Every time I drop something, or forget something, or grab the wrong whatever-it-is-I’m-looking for, I’ll most likely blame Parkinson’s! This is especially true when I go downstairs… and then forget what I was going down there for. Usually my wife hears me mumbling “Stupid Parkinson’s!” as I come back up the stairs…
I have to admit, though, sometimes it IS the disease. If I stumble where I had never stumbled before, or I forget something that I should have remembered, or I drop something that should be easy to hold onto…. well, maybe that IS from the effects of PD. But in my case, some of it may – just may – be plain old clumsiness! Or it’s that blasted gremlin – or one of his friends – at it again!!
#4 Mumbling and Grumbling About Your PD

One of my biggest “grumbles” is when I have to take my Sinemet… Yes, I know it will help me… but I just HATE having to take those darn pills constantly day in and day out! You too? If that isn’t a case for grumbling, I don’t know what is!
Now it’s true that I freakin’ HATE Parkinson’s – yeah, I said it – and sometimes I almost feel like I have no choice but to grumble… after all, having Parkinson’s is NOT fun, and there are times when you feel bad and… well, grumbling comes naturally for some of us (myself included). It’s then that I have to stop, think of how much worse it could be, count my blessings, and move on. Sometimes, though, it’s a difficult thing to do.
And I know it’s hard on care partners to hear us grumbling all the time. Nobody likes being around someone who moans and groans and grumbles all day long – yet I know they put up with us because they care for us. And I’m sure they know that it’s because of the disease and that we don’t feel good at that moment. So to all the caregivers out there – THANK YOU for putting up with our grumbling and groaning!
#3 Telling Your Spouse – or Care Partner – “I’m Running An Experiment (Again)”

I usually do this when I’m trying out something different in the hopes of affecting my PD symptoms – for instance, maybe I’m attempting to modify my med intake or routine. Lately, it usually means that I’m fiddling with my DBS settings, in the hope of improving symptom relief. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t – which is why I tell my wife that I’m ‘experimenting‘ – I wouldn’t want to change my settings so much that it would affect my brain to the extent that I couldn’t even reset the DBS unit back to ‘normal‘! (Ah what the heck – I’m not normal anyway!!) But it is sometimes amusing to see her facial expression when I say that phrase… and at other times I know I am probably going to be in trouble! But don’t tell her that… Oh, what a rebel I am!!
#2 Being Reminded to Put Away Our Clothes

I think part of it IS due to PD (there I go again, blaming Parkinson’s!) because there are, at times, periods where I simply don’t feel great – and having to bend down and pick things up off the floor (and then get back up) is not all that easy when PD has a good grip on you. I’ve heard this from a number of other folks with Parkinson’s, so I guess it’s something that only someone with Parkinson’s would understand.
But sometimes it’s just because I plain forget – so is that PD’s fault, or my own stupidity? I ask myself this all the time… Now where did I put my shirt? Hmm….
And the number 1 consequence of living with a Parkie is…:
#1 Little Yellow Pills All Over the House

Which is why, at least in my case, you can find those little yellow Sinemet pills all over! On the nightstand… in my pants pocket… in my coat pocket… on the table… in the bathroom… in the car… you get the picture! Sometimes it’s because I had extra in my PillPack and I accidentally left them there (i.e. forgot); or I left them there on purpose just in case I might need my dose again at that place and time. Regardless, we can find them in the most unlikely places…. And let me tell you, if I run them through the washer in my pants pocket and the yellow color stains something, you can bet I am going to hear about it!!
Worse yet, let us go out somewhere and forget to bring them (or think we had some stashed somewhere and then find out we didn’t!) we begin to panic because we know what we’re going to feel like if we miss a dose! (at least with the DBS that has become a lessor concern) Which is again why I keep them stashed all over the place, just in case! I consider that to be because I’m cautious; others, though, might consider that it’s because I’m paranoid! So what about you? Keep those Sinemet pills stashed everywhere like me?? I know that Michael J. Fox said in his book that he does the same thing, so I guess I don’t feel so bad about it!
That’s It!
So there you go – my top 10 challenges of living with a Parkie! What about you? Are those your ten? Or do have other challenges? Let me and your fellow readers know in the comments section below.
Thanks for reading! Till next time…