Parkinson’s ‘Illegitimate’ Children – Part I

Now there's a title! Actually, I was going to call this by another name - the one associated with someone who's parents were not married when he/she was born - but I decided that might not make it through the family Internet 'screeners'... So we'll stick with illegitimate! So what does this mean? By this I mean Parkinson's lesser-known symptoms - those symptoms that are common but no one really talks about much - those 'hush hush' symptoms. A lot of us have these issues, but I've found they are not understood well and are very under-reported...


Snake Oil for Parkinson’s???

There are few times when I will write an article like this - one that is critical of someone or something. But this is one of those times that I feel I have to say something. One of my fellow Parkinson's bloggers, Allison, i.e. The Perkie Parkie, (another great Parkinson's related blog!) made mention of an article in one of her Facebook posts...